Notice to Tsunami Coming Tourists1、造浪时,身高1米以下的儿童,年龄超过60周岁的长者,需在有监护能力的成人监护下游玩。
When making waves, both children less than 1 meter tall and the elderly over 60 years old need to play under the supervision of an adult who has the ability of guardianship.
Tourists should wear the life jacket when entering the wave pool to play. Otherwise, they are forbidden from entering the wave pool.
Tourists, who suffer from heart disease, high blood pressure, mental illness, alcoholism, fear of heights and lumbar or cervical disease, being pregnant and other physical discomfort, are prohibited from taking the recreation facilities.
Do not allow tourists to bring the skin raft, various plastic animals, inflatable buoyant apparatus etc. into the wave pool for playing.
5、游玩前请将佩带的眼镜、手表、首饰、项链等饰物除下并自行保管好。 Please remove glasses, watches, jewelry, necklaces and other ornaments that you are wearing and take good care of them by yourselves before playing.
6、请听从现场工作人员的指引,禁止进入警戒线内的深水区域。 Please obey the guidance of field staff, and be prohibited from entering the deep water area within the cordon.
Please do not dive and snorkel in the tsunami coming pool.
Please do not run, jump, play, chase and slapstick when entering and leaving the tsunami coming pool; please do not play and slapstick, in order to avoid endangering the life safety of you and others during the period of amusement.
注意事项 : 不遵守规定造成自身或他人发生事故的情况下由本人自行承担责任,水上公园不予负责。
Note: If there are accidents of one’s own or others caused by non-compliance, it is the one that takes the responsibility, which has nothing with the on-water park.
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